Tuesday, April 15, 2008

4/7/2008 Game: At Least We're Better Than Last Year

Considering that Team Izzy's was destroyed on a regular basis last season, an Opening Game 14-8 loss wasn't that bad. We even had a 3-2 lead in the 3rd inning with some great defensive efforts before the comedy of errors began. But holding a squad to 14 runs through 7 innings is pretty solid. Our bats should indeed pick up after we all dig out the 6th Grade Little League coaching from the foggy depths of our overly polluted minds.

Captain Brian made a few stellar plays at 2nd base and really only fucked up in the field once. Brian also went 4/4 from the plate hitting sharp singles that barely made it over the short stop's head. For his efforts, Captain Brian was our 40oz MVP Trophy receipient.

Here's a picture of Brian after he drank his 40 for a game well played.

My view from right field this game made me feel like a happy loser. I did go 0/4 with various ground and flyouts to the left portion of the field but felt like our team did well. Our fielding was much better than last year and we had some solid hits. Too bad we couldn't string together more than two hits at a time to actually win this game. It was our first game of the season and the San Marin grads we played already had a game under their belts, which is kind of like cheating if you ask me.

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