Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our (potential) New Team Bat: Vaginal Thunder

This is a picture of our new team bat. Someone just has to order it first:

Once we get Pink Thunder in our hands, the world of Team Izzys will change. Medium paced grounders to short stop will turn into kind of hard grounders to short stop that produce more of a potential for bobble-age. Floating line drives to left field will now be stronger drives to left that may kind of hurt the left fielder's hand if they don't catch it directly in the pocket. But most importantly, our hands won't be black and blue after each game. So we'll all need some other excuse for holding pints of Dos Equis at Mayas than "we're icing down our busted manos". I promise to think of one by Monday night.


Drunko McShortstop said...

Has anyone actually bought this VT bat yet, or are we going to continue to use our Lousiville Toothpick. Not that the toothpick is all that bad, we have managed to get a couple hits out of it. Speaking of VT's, can we get a cheering section made up of our significant others? What would make our girlfriends, fiances, and wives happier than sitting on a cold-ass bench in 40 mph winds to watch grown men embarress themselves like little schoolgirls? I personally can't think of anything more enjoyable.

The Nextian said...

Drunko, I enjoyed your anal-ysis of the VT. Word in the herd is that Bilbo (3rd)Baggins is ordering a custom bag that has the Puerto Rican flag on it. But getting our ladies to sit on a metal bench in 50 degree windy weather is a stretch. Only Clark has the ability to get Ruth to watch us. And that is why he's our Center Fielder.