Friday, April 18, 2008

Which Izzy's Team Member is more "Now"?

As the pictures keep rolling in from Izzys Team Members, it is a good idea to attach them to this splenderous blog. This post is also a call to solicit more feedback in the "comments" section. If they are good comments, I may just make you an author to the blog (which is pretty much "Step 1" to becoming famous).

So like the ESPN bullshit contest last year, who is "More Now" between Brian and Matt Clark?

This picture shows Brian at work with a terrible suit on holding a Bud Light 40. I'm pretty sure his computer is on YouTube and that this was taken at 9:00 am. Also, look at all of the crushed beer cans over his right shoulder. Captain Brian requires a nice buzz to get up the guts to call his clients.

This photo of Matt Clark was taken on just a normal night out in the Presidio. Clark is pimp like dat and pretty much wears fly garb 24/7. Putting on an Izzys Uniform is a serious hit to his style-conscious persona. But while the rest of us look like uniformed robots during the games doing the exact same thing (going 1/3 with our only hit occurring when no one is on base), Clark patrols the Outfield with his awesome fro letting the ladies know wassup.

So who is More Now? Captain Brian or Matt "Pimpalicious" Clark?


Drunko McShortstop said...

Sorry Brian, but I vote for Clark as more now, he just exudes more class and style. Just look at that suit - it screams "im here to kick ass and nail your girlfriend." Although a suit that says "would you like to upgrade your health insurance plan today?" comes in a close second place. I'll give Brian credit for downing a 40oz with his morning donut though, how else do you remedy those morning shakes? Speaking of credit, I think Clark definitely owes credit to his father (Big Herm) for inhereting the Pimpaliciousness gene. These genes can only be passed on from one generation to the next, however when Big Herm attends our games, the Pimpaliciousness is contagious- so try to catch it, at least we will be catching something out there in the field.

The Nextian said...

One vote for Clark and his Pimpaliciousness. Thanks Drunko.

Hyland said...

Ima go ahead and give this one to Brian. Brian went 4-4 our first game and drew 3 walks the second. He was the only one who really understood we were only scoring when not swinging during game 2. Brian is Morneau for the time being in my book, and my book is frigging awesome.

The Nextian said...

Thanks Matt (the Pitcher). The score is now 1-1. Brian and Clark, you can vote for or against yourselves you know. Anyone else going to vote? Anyone else read this blog? If so, I'll post twice as much.

Bilbo Baggins said...

I give the edge to Brian. Anyone rocking the Bood Light at work is truely pimp. Maybe if Matt didn't cover up his delicious fro he would have scored more points. Alas, we'll never know.