Thursday, April 24, 2008

Who's Tougher? Tom or Geoff?

I just had a chance to email the pictures from my Samsung camera phone......... my email address followed by loading the pictures into Microsoft Office Picture Manager to crop, add a sepia filter, and generally fix the shit out of the photos I took from Monday night's game only to find some serious illness. So the question posed to all of my fellow Izzians is "Who is More Tough?" between Tom and Geoff. Let's take a look at our first entrant:

Tom presents us the smile-less "don't you EVER even THINK of fcuking with me!" look that scares nerds and sissys alike into having nightmares on a regular basis. It doesn't take Tom that long to walk from the home team dugout to first base so he uses his extra time to slowly put away his batting gloves while firing menacing looks at the other squad getting ready to bat. It is this type of intimidation that scares many a Softballer in the C-2 Novato Parks and Rec adult league.

Huppert's mean mug has an interestingly different flava to it. Although Geoff does look like he kinda wants to crack a smile, his grizzly beard and back-left gangsta head tilt let a bitch know that while he might appear to be "havin' a good time", he can flip a switch in T-minus 0.1 milliseconds to bring the pain. Hup even gets the posed Rawlings glove in the picture while finding time to put his throwing hand in his pocket for the ultimate in "I could giva fcuk if you take my picture" look.

Needless to say, Team Izzys is very lucky to have such hardcore (soft)ballaz on our squad. Both Tom and Geoff are serious intimidators who will be instrumental in helping us finish 5-5 and get to the Consolation Bracket Championship Game. But my question (out of right field) to you is "Who is More Tough? Tom or Hup?" Bring yo' answers in the comments section, foo.


Drunko McShortstop said...

Geoff is a huge woman. Dont be fooled. His appearance of intimidation is actually confusion, he's like a chameleon but with one hell of an arm. He couldn't join us for beers after our big win because he was late for his tea party.

Tom slammed beers with us in true Izzy's fashion. Tom is also not a woman, therefore he gets my vote.

Geoff, if you read this, dont beat me up next week.

Hyland said...

Tom or Geoff...Geoff or Tom. I think I'll go with me on this one....JK. Tom has proven himself as tough during his younger years on his old stomping grounds by the stories he's told me. Now, I can only guess these to be true, but I'll take his word for it.

I was around Huppert a fair bit on his stomping grounds. He didn't do anything of notice to warrant being tough, but he did apparently beat up a guy while sitting down at a party -- he punched him 2 or 3 times while sitting down and the other guy was standing, then falling, then walking away. I've heard about it from him about 17 times throughout my career, and maybe a few people murmured something about it's validity years ago, but I was probably smoking dope, so again I can only guess this to be true.

After this speculation, I'll give my vote to Tom. These guys are both calmed down now with their older age, but who knows when either of them will strike again at the drop of a dime....or fly ball.

Bilbo Baggins said...

I vote for Tom. He is so tough the first time I ever played basketball with him he spit in my face. He was on my team.